
Thursday 12 August 2021

Harness Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    When artificial intelligence (AI) is combined with RPA to create Intelligent Automation, automating extends by an order of magnitude, able to draw on the 80% of enterprise data that’s unstructured. In procure-to-pay, automate invoice processing of non-standard vendor invoices. In insurance, automate extracting claims data and detecting potential fraud. In HR, automate request intake by understanding the employee’s intent.

    • RPA enables high-volume business processes to be more elastic and able to adapt in uncertain times and changing environments. Flexibly handle any workload—planned or unplanned—by expanding your Digital Workforce the moment it’s required. Now imagine it being so simple, so intuitive, that anyone can do it.
    • Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

    • AI is important because it can give enterprises insights into their operations that they may not have been aware of previously and because, in some cases, AI can perform tasks better than humans. Particularly when it comes to repetitive, detail-oriented tasks like analyzing large numbers of legal documents to ensure relevant fields are filled in properly, 



    Automation Process that anyone can use for any business process

    RPA as part of the digital transformation journey From Kayzed

    "Robotic Process Automation Is Shaping the Future of Different Businesses"


    What are the benefits of RPA?

    The business benefits of RPA include:

    • Low technical barriers: Programming skills are not necessary to configure a bot. non-technical staff can use a process recorder feature to teach the bot how to perform a previously manual step in an automated business process, and integrate the bot-based automation into a larger automated workflow using a drag-and-drop process designer or similar tool.
    • Increased accuracy: Like many tools available as part of a process automation suite, bots are extremely accurate and consistent – they are much less prone to making mistakes or typos than a human worker. This can apply to common processes such as setting up or removing user accounts, copying information from one system to another, onboarding and off-boarding employees or populating forms based on information from another system.
    • Meet regulatory compliance standards: Bots only follow the instructions they have been configured to follow and provide an audit trail history for each step. The controlled nature of bots makes robotic process automation well suited for organizations that want to automate their business processes end-to-end while still meeting strict compliance standards.
    • No interruption of work: Bots can work tirelessly work around the clock, autonomously without requiring employees to re-activate them, allowing a more flexible schedule for business processes.
    • Existing systems remain in place: Unlike traditional integrations that may require extensive developer resources, RPA doesn’t require any changes to the systems you already use every day to be included as part of your automated business processes. Bots work directly from a user interface, just as a person would. This makes robotic process automation especially useful for integrating legacy systems, where APIs may not be immediately available, or in situations where organizations do not have the time or employee resources to develop custom code-based integrations.
    • Improved employee morale and employee experience: By utilizing robotic process automation as part of their automation toolkit, organizations can open up further opportunities for employees to dedicate more of their time and talent to other work. While bots fill out forms, enter data and look up information from websites, employees can focus on high-impact projects that further drive growth.
    • Increased productivity: Process cycle times are more efficient and can be completed at a faster speed compared to manual processes.

    Tuesday 24 September 2019

    ISO 56002:2019 - Innovation Management Systems

    New Standard for Innovation Management Systems 

    How does innovation drive success in business?
    Innovation enables adaptability. While it is lauded for driving trailblazers, gargantuan inventors, and other disrupters of the status quo, innovation belongs to everyone. With society adapting at a rapid pace, any business needs to be resilient enough to keep up.
    What is ISO 56002:2019?
    An innovative organization is able to comprehend and respond to the conditions of its context, pursue new opportunities, and leverage the knowledge and creativity of its employees. And, as stated in ISO 56002:2019:
    “An organization can innovate more effectively and efficiently if all necessary activities and other interrelated or interacting elements are managed as a system.”
    In fact, an innovation management system can aid any organization in determining its vision, strategy, and objectives in relation to innovation. It can also set the support and processes that help an organization reach its intended outcomes.
    ISO 56002:2019 helps any organization, regardless of type, sector, or size, establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an innovation management system. It addresses a realm of guidance pertinent to innovation management systems, including understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties, determining the scope of the system, the role of leadership, planning, operation, improvement, managing risk, and innovation processes and objectives.
    In addition to organizations who want to effectively manage innovation activities, ISO 56002:2019 is applicable to customers and other interested parties who seek confidence in an organization’s innovation capabilities, as well as organizations that want to improve communication through a common understanding of what constitutes an innovation management system. It can also be used by policy makers and training providers in innovation management.

    ISO 30401:2018 Knowledge management standard

    ISO 30401:2018
    Knowledge management standard

    This KM standard focuses on the capture, management and delivery of knowledge through a software application. Each organization will craft a knowledge management approach, with respect to its own business and operational environment, reflecting their specific needs and desired outcomes.

    The scope of the  ISO Knowledge Management Standard, according to the documentation is to “set requirements and provide guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an effective management system for knowledge management in organizations. All the requirements of this document are applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides”.
    As with any standard, I believe that practitioners and organizations implementing KM should use this as a framework. Alignment to a recognized standard will contribute to improving the organization’s implementation and use of Knowledge Management.
    The KM Standard has procedures in place in which to continuously evolve the standard. The procedures intended for the evolution of the standard is described in the ISO/IEC Directives. The following are my brief comments concerning the purpose, importance of KM and KM Guiding Principles sections of the standard.
    he following are a synopsis of the guiding principles set forth by the KM Standard:
    ·        The determinable value of knowledge is in its impact on organizational purpose, vision, objectives, policies, processes and performance. Knowledge management is a means of unlocking the potential value of knowledge.
    ·        Focus: knowledge management serves the organizational objectives, strategies and needs.
    ·        Adaptive: there is no one knowledge management solution that fits all organizations within all contexts. Organizations may develop their own approach to the scope of knowledge and knowledge management and how to implement these efforts, based on the needs and context. 
    ·        For shared understanding, knowledge management should include interactions between people, using content, processes and technologies where appropriate.
    ·        Environment: knowledge is not managed directly; knowledge management focuses on managing the working environment, thus nurturing the knowledge lifecycle.
    ·        Culture: culture is critical to the effectiveness of knowledge management.
    ·        Iterative: knowledge management should be phased, incorporating learning and feedback cycles.

    Knowledge management is a holistic approach to improving learning and effectiveness through optimization of the use of knowledge, in order to create value for the organization.

    Knowledge management supports existing process and development strategies. As such, it needs to be integrated with other organizational functions.

    Monday 1 May 2017

    Benefits of ISO HACCP

    Food safety Management System is an absolutely affective means of assuring food safety. Preventing problem from occurring is the permanent goal underlying any Food Safety Management System. Food Safety Management System can be consider as a management system that addresses food safety through the analysis and control of biological, chemical & physical hazard right from raw material production, procurement and handling to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

    The ISO 22000:2005 FSMS is designed to enable organizations to control food safety hazards along the food chain in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of consumption. The standard provides international harmonization in the field of food safety standards, offering a tool to implement HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) throughout the food supply chain. The goal of ISO 22000 is to control, and reduce to an acceptable level, any safety hazards identified for the end products delivered to the next step of the food chain.

    This standard is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, involved in any aspect of the food chain. This includes organizations directly or indirectly involved in one or more steps of the food chain, such as Primary producers, Food processors and manufactures, Retailers, storage facilities and transporters, Hospitality sector, Service providers to food establishments

    Benefits of ISO HACCP
    » Enhanced assurance of food safety.
    » Better management of resources.
    » Timely response to problems.
    » Helps food companies to compete more effectively in the world market.
    » Reduces barriers to international trade. 

    What is a Surveillance Audit ?

    Surveillance Audits -

    What are they and what to expect

     What is a Surveillance Audit ?

    • The initial audit to get an organisation’s system certified, is called the Registration Audit. Subsequent audits by the registrar are referred to as Surveillance Audits. 
    • Surveillance Audits are the ongoing periodic review of an organisation’s quality management system, by a third party registrar (i.e. Certification Body). They generally occur every six months. This period may be changed to every 12 months, if the organisation shows a high standard of compliance.
    • With a system, the size of RMIT, these audits are generally 2-4 days in duration

     What is the purpose of the Surveillance Audit ?

    • The focus of Surveillance Audits, is to ensure continued compliance with the ISO standard and the policies and processes of RMIT. Auditors look for evidence that the quality system is being maintained in its entirety and improved and corrected as needed.
    • The Certification Body Surveillance Audit also examines our use of the ISO logos, in our stationery and advertising materials.
    • The outcome of the Surveillance Audit determines if we continue to hold certification and acts as a vehicle for improvement ideas from an independent body.
    • The successful completion of a Surveillance Audit demonstrates to our customers, that we are capable of maintaining and improving our level of quality.
    • Surveillance Audits supplement the two activities that we conduct internally, to ensure continued conformance to ISO 27001 requirements - Information Security Auditing and Management Review.

    what will the auditors be looking for ?

    1. The auditors will be looking for three main things when they review our system:
    2. Whether our entire system conforms to the requirements of the ISO  standard - they judge this by reviewing the adequacy of our documentation.
    3. Whether we follow the procedures as they are written and if not why - they judge this by finding concrete evidence that events are occurring or procedures are being followed. For example, forms, records, registers, memos, meeting minutes, manuals, documents, logs, calibration stickers and certificates, computer databases etc.
    4. Whether we are actively reviewing and improving our quality management system - they judge this by looking into Internal Audit and Management Review results, correction of non-conformances, review of procedures and the quality plans and objectives we are setting (in our case Strategic Directions).

    • An auditor should outline to you what topic/process they are going to ask you about, so it should not be a surprise.
    • They will probably ask you to explain to them how you do the task. Try to answer in a logical step by step manner. If it helps, “walk” them through the process/task.
    • Show them any up-to-date records/forms/minutes etc. that you keep in conjunction with the task. (remember they are looking for evidence to satisfy themselves that an event is occurring and in the correct way)
    • If you have a procedure for the task, refer to it and be prepared to know where to find a copy of it. That is, with your area Quality Coordinator. Do not show them a photocopy you have taken of the procedure, always go to the original, controlled copy or webpage.
    • The auditor will look to see that you know how to address various issues if something goes wrong in the process.
    • The auditor will want to be satisfied that important information and documents are controlled and always kept up to date.
    • The auditor’s aim is always to ensure that the quality of the service we deliver, matches our customer’s needs and that we act on non-conformances and improve as necessary.

    what to do if you do not know the answer to a question.

    • If you do not understand the question that the auditor is asking, ask them to rephrase or clarify the question. They should be happy to do this. Rephrasing questions and assisting people to understand them, is part of an auditor’s training.
    • If you do not know the answer to a question, DO NOT MAKE IT UP. When people make up answers that “sound good”, you inevitably end up with a non- conformance, as there will be no concrete evidence to back the answer up.
    • Instead, simply say that you do not know the answer and then try to direct the auditor to someone who will be able to help them. If you don’t know who to direct the auditor to, inform the Quality Unit Representative of the question, so that they can chase it up during the course of the audit.
    • The auditor may ask you a question that you don’t know, because they do not fully understand who is responsible for what functions/tasks. In this case, it is good if you can clarify the person or area responsible for a task, for the auditor’s future reference.

    What happens if Certification Body find a non conformance during a Surveillance Audit?

    • The auditor issues a report listing any opportunities for improvement and non- conformances such as Something that needs fixing but does not directly or strongly affect the quality of the service. Or an issue that has strong implications on the quality of the service delivered or the effectiveness of the quality management system
    • Certification Body may ask us to fix it during the course of the day or if this is not possible, they will ask us to outline our proposed actions. They will then review this activity at the next surveillance audit to ensure that it has occurred.